SodaStream Fizzi One Touch Sparkling Water Maker Bundle Review

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Are you tired of buying expensive sparkling water from the store? Do you want to reduce your carbon footprint by eliminating plastic bottles? Look no further than the SodaStream Fizzi One Touch Sparkling Water Maker Bundle.

Design and Features

The SodaStream Fizzi One Touch Sparkling Water Maker Bundle comes in a sleek black design that will fit in with any kitchen decor. The one-touch button makes it easy to use, and the LED display shows the carbonation level. The bundle includes a CO2 cylinder, two BPA-free bottles, and six 0 calorie fruit drops flavors.

Ease of Use

Using the SodaStream Fizzi One Touch Sparkling Water Maker is incredibly easy. Simply fill the bottle with cold water, insert it into the machine, and press the button. The LED display will show the carbonation level, and you can adjust it to your liking. The machine is also easy to clean, with a removable drip tray and dishwasher-safe parts.

Cost Savings

The SodaStream Fizzi One Touch Sparkling Water Maker Bundle can save you money in the long run. A 60-liter CO2 cylinder can make up to 60 bottles of sparkling water, which is equivalent to about 170 cans of soda. The cost of the CO2 cylinder is around $30, which is much cheaper than buying 170 cans of soda. Additionally, the BPA-free bottles are reusable, eliminating the need for single-use plastic bottles.

Environmental Impact

By using the SodaStream Fizzi One Touch Sparkling Water Maker Bundle, you can reduce your carbon footprint. The reusable bottles eliminate the need for single-use plastic bottles, and the CO2 cylinder can be refilled instead of being thrown away. According to SodaStream, using their product can reduce household plastic bottle waste by up to 1,282 bottles per year.

Taste and Flavor Options

The SodaStream Fizzi One Touch Sparkling Water Maker Bundle comes with six 0 calorie fruit drops flavors, including lemon, lime, orange, grapefruit, raspberry, and mango. These flavors are a great way to add some variety to your sparkling water. Additionally, you can experiment with different levels of carbonation to find the perfect taste for you.


Overall, the SodaStream Fizzi One Touch Sparkling Water Maker Bundle is a great investment for anyone who loves sparkling water. It is easy to use, cost-effective, environmentally friendly, and offers a variety of flavor options. Say goodbye to expensive store-bought sparkling water and hello to the convenience of making your own at home.

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