SPT SD-2225DS Compact Countertop Dishwasher Review

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Are you tired of washing dishes by hand? Do you live in a small apartment or have limited space in your kitchen? The SPT SD-2225DS Compact Countertop Dishwasher might be the solution you've been looking for. This Energy Star certified portable dishwasher is designed to fit on your countertop and can accommodate up to 6 place settings. In this review, we'll take a closer look at the features and benefits of this dishwasher.

Design and Features

The SPT SD-2225DS Compact Countertop Dishwasher has a sleek silver design that will complement any kitchen decor. It measures 21.65 x 19.69 x 17.24 inches and weighs 43 pounds. The dishwasher has a stainless steel interior that is durable and easy to clean. It also comes with a silverware basket and a 6 place settings rack.

One of the standout features of this dishwasher is the delay start option. You can set the dishwasher to start up to 8 hours later, which is perfect if you want to take advantage of off-peak electricity rates. The dishwasher also has 6 wash programs, including normal, heavy, light, speed, soak, and glass. You can choose the program that best suits your needs.


The SPT SD-2225DS Compact Countertop Dishwasher is designed to be energy efficient, using only 203 kilowatt hours per year. It has an Energy Star rating, which means it meets strict energy efficiency guidelines set by the US Environmental Protection Agency. The dishwasher also has a low water consumption rate of 2.85 gallons per wash.

In terms of performance, the dishwasher does a great job of cleaning dishes. The heavy wash program is particularly effective at removing tough stains and grime. The dishwasher is also relatively quiet, with a noise level of 55 decibels. This means you can run the dishwasher at night without disturbing your sleep.

Installation and Maintenance

Installing the SPT SD-2225DS Compact Countertop Dishwasher is a breeze. You simply need to connect the dishwasher to your kitchen faucet using the included adapter. The dishwasher also comes with a drain hose that you can connect to your sink. The dishwasher is easy to operate, with a simple control panel that allows you to select the wash program and delay start option.

Maintaining the dishwasher is also easy. You should clean the dishwasher filter regularly to ensure it continues to operate efficiently. The dishwasher also has a rinse aid dispenser that you can fill with rinse aid to improve drying performance.

Pros and Cons


  • Compact and portable design
  • Energy Star certified
  • Delay start option
  • 6 wash programs
  • Stainless steel interior
  • Low water consumption rate
  • Easy to install and operate
  • Effective at cleaning dishes
  • Relatively quiet


  • Limited capacity (up to 6 place settings)
  • No drying cycle
  • May not fit larger plates and dishes


The SPT SD-2225DS Compact Countertop Dishwasher is a great option for anyone who wants a portable and energy-efficient dishwasher. It's perfect for small apartments or kitchens with limited space. The dishwasher is easy to install and operate, and it does a great job of cleaning dishes. The delay start option is a nice touch, and the dishwasher's low water consumption rate is a big plus. The only downside is the limited capacity, but if you're only washing dishes for a small household, this shouldn't be a problem. Overall, I highly recommend the SPT SD-2225DS Compact Countertop Dishwasher.

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